
Monday, June 4, 2012

No pants Monday

I hate pants. I actually loathe them. There aren't many things i actually hate in this world, but pants are one of them. Personally, i just don't find them comfortable. I am well aware that most normal people live in jeans and that i am the weird one, not vice versa, but i stand by my point that i hate pants. Maybe it has to do with my body shape, i am a woman so yes i have curves and when i wear jeans i am THAT girl that is relentlessly adjusting and pulling up her pants. I constantly suffer from the gap in the back of your jeans, and when i attempt to wear a belt the problem becomes worse and the love handles appear. It is just delightful. 

This brings me to reason number 32432432 why i love being in Mexico. Sunshine every single day which results in NO need for pants. Coming from Canada, a country where wearing a dress is an option MAYBE 3 months of the year if you are lucky, this is paradise. I have been here for just over a month and i brought only one single pair of pants and could not be happier about this fact. I love that i can wear a dress here whenever i want and do not have to deal with the annoyances that pants bring.  Since pants are one of the things i hate most in this world, one of the things i love most are casual dresses. Honestly i love dresses for any occasion, but i specifically love casual dresses that can go anywhere. Just because your comfortable doesn't mean you don't have to be cute! 

This dress is one of my favourite finds from H&M for a steal of 10$. It is one of my preferred  casual and comfortable go-to dresses for everyday and was well worth the measly 10$ i spent. H&M for the win! 

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